Sunday, December 08, 2019

My first travelling 2008

Ya Allah, I found this memories. My first travelling with colleagues at work.
Destination : Bali.
Stayed at the Oasis Hotel for 3 days ( if am not mistakes)
Visit Mall Bali Galleria (that was just open in a few months) then at night went to Hardrock Cafe - for dàncing and singing.

I was with : Mba Lea ( my spv at work)
Then there's CKW,FAW, Ndaru, Anthony.
I was enjoying my travelling time with photography moments with CKW.  🥰🥰
** Oh Dieu, how I missed those moments that never be happen again- for sure.

I love to memorize the moments. It was fun and unforgetable one. ( Anthony was tried to make My boyfriend jealous at that time. Ahaha try to take picture with me .. and send the picture of us to my BF 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. And weirdly, he get upset a bit. Ahahaha ( Anthony, the one wore a brown shirt)


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