Saturday, December 28, 2019

Good old songs and legendary singers / groups 🎢🎡🎀🎢🎀🎀

One of my favorite Boyband.
Yes, this is BackstreetBoys πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
I "grew up" with this group, tho. It just nice to listen songs from their first album in cassette until now.
Nick and I have same age.. so thats why I can say I grew up with them. 😬😬😬 hahaha.
Then of course, I already seen their concert here in Jakarta few years ago.

One of soloist that I like. With his own voice character, that can make his songs sound good and deep feeling. Uhh I loveeee it! For me,with his voice all his songs are romantic. πŸ₯°πŸ₯° .
I Love his deep voice. Bryan Adams.

The other from my Teen-boyband idol era. Who doesnt recognize this irish- pop boyband?
Their songs are ear-catchy. And dance-able yet sing- able ahahaha 🀣☺️πŸ˜‰πŸ€ͺ
That's why I love them. Please meet them Westlife ❤
I forgot if I had attend their concert in Jakarta or not.

My favorite singer in the world!!! Celine Dion
No words I can Say bout her. I just Love her. Her songs. Her albums. Both in English or in France.
Because of her, I learn French languange.
Listen her songs makes me feel energized, stronger and be loved. And lucky me, last Year 2018 I can saw her in her concert at Jakarta. ❤❤ it just like a dream (that came true).

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