Friday, December 06, 2019

If I were..

Like to repost here. This one back from 21.08.2003.
If I were a ...

·if I were a month I would be : September
·if I were a day of the week I would be :any day as long I spend wi my friends, good TV programs, films and movies ;p
·if I were a time of day I would be : day light
·if I were a planet I would be : earth but tryin to visiting Saturn's and Venus
·if I were a sea animal I would be : Shark and dolphin
.if I were a direction I would be : just go Straight and West
·if I were a piece if furniture I would be :a table
.if I were a historical figure I would be : Adolf Hitler (?)
·if I were a liquid I would be : water
·if I were a stone I would be : stone
·if I were a tree I would be :a tall slim pines tree
·if I were a bird I would be : eagle
·if I were a tool I would be : a screwdriver
·if I were a flower/plant I would be : don't like any flower
·if I were a kind of weather I would be : summer
·if I were a musical instrument I would be : a guitar
·if I were a color/s I would be : black
·if I were an emotion I would be : Just be good, be nice, be cool, be me
·if I were a vegetable I would be : spinach/ lettucine
·if I were a sound I would be : instrumentally
·if I were an element I would be : the earth
.if I were a car I would be : the brand new sport cars of Ferrari and Aston Martin.
.if I were a song I would be : Tumblin' down by Mitch Malloy
·if I were a movie I would be : the Sixth sense
·if I were a book I would be written by: God
·if I were a food I would be :just the healthy n delicious food
·if I were a place I would be : Florida / NYC
·if I were a material I would be :Steel
·if I were a taste I would be : great
·if I were a scent I would be : good
·if I were a cartoon character I would be : Donald duck or Mickey Mouse
·if I were a religion I would be : Islam
·if I were a word I would be : umm..
·if I were an object I would be :a book
·if I were a body part I would be : eyes
·if I were a facial expression I would be : :0)
·if I were a subject in school I would be : forensic
·if I were a shape I would be : rectangular
·if I were a number I would be : 6 or 16
·if I were a ghost I would be : a friendly-naughty ghost - just a naughty Casper 

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