Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I wish ..
I can go back home with you [again]..
I can go out dinner with you [again] ..
I wish we don’t have fight like we just did..
sorry if I said somethin wrong.
Am damn really sorry ..

but, what i did to you, is really hurt myself too.
But somehow, i think that we shud try to hold our feeling as like we did before.
sure, you are my truly close friend, ever..

How manytimes shud i tell you that,
if there's a darkness,
if there's a death,
if there's a smile,
if there's a cry,
that;s we called LIFE.

and i dont know, even you realize it or not,
since you moved on with your new life there..
It's like somethin' just missing ..
cuz to me YOU ARE MY LIFE..

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