Thursday, March 01, 2007

uhhhh Just find out the site.. and it's so kewl..!!! eheheh .. owh my dear Honey, Looks what i'd create with our pictures ...?? isnt it lovely ??? these are our best moments that we had ya..???

You are the best.
You are the one..
You are the love..
You are the hope..
You are the life..
You are the dream..
You are the the song..
You are the reason..

I still hear the laughter..
I still see the smile..
I still feel the touch..
I still smell the scent..

Nice to laugh with you and for you..
Glad to shares smiles with you and for you..
Warm and tender when hugged with you and for you..
Love and like to kisses you and kissing you..

it's not a long goodbye.. Just be happy with your new life there.. am happy for you here.. just wish me luck for the same..

Love you and will always be your bestfriend..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Hon..

I could stay awake just to hear you breathing,
Watch you smile while you are sleeping,
While you're far away and dreaming,
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender,
I could stay lost in this moment forever,

I don't wanna close my eyes,
I don't wanna fall asleep,
Cause I'd miss you babe,
And I don't wanna miss a thing,
Cause even when I dream of you,
The sweetest dream would never do,
I'd still miss you babe,

And I don't wanna miss one smile,
I don't wanna miss one kiss,
I just wanna be with you,
Right here with you, just like this,
Well I just wanna hold you close,
And feel your heart so close to mine,
And just stay here in this moment,
For all the rest of time

I love U and miss U so much honey..

Thought of YOU

  How Can I,  Forget you, if you are My First Crush, My First Love. How can I,  Not in love with you? When you make me awe,  By seeing you b...