Right now, that's what i feel, here.. hiks..
I feel so sad and worries alot bout his health/conditions. Last wednesday, he went for Futsal with our colleagues, and then he do the Diving movemnt-sliding along the field.. with shoulder to be hit first by the floor. and the next day he felt painful on his shoulder. and finally last Friday he didnt go for work, he stayed at his house. while i keep telling him, to keep continuing rubbed his shoulder with some anagestic balm [Counterpain, red].
Then, on the last Saturday, suddenly he called me that he's in Hospital to get the rontgen .. hiks. hiks..
"owh Honey, wats wrong with you there ..? " then the results come a bit surprised " his shoulder bones was broked down..!! owh Shit.!! hiks.. owh poor my baby !!! i really feel damn worry..!!!
TODAY he didnt go for work, and it will be for a week. he refused to get surgery, and prefer to have traditional medical like being massage spec for broken Bones huhuh.. so damn scary!!!
Uhuhu i really feel sorry for him.. i feel so damn sad..
and terribly MISS HIm..!!!!!
" Sayang, just be patient Okay, i'll seeing you after work..!! I love you Honey..!! "
*huggin you tight!*
GET WELL SOON..!! so we can go out for movie and dinner again!! ^_^..V

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