Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Today, i was damn late [again] arrived at work. man, nowdays, the traffic seems to be more crowded and hectic..

hmm i didnt expect any cadeux or presents or gifts..i prefer to hang-out and go crazy "celebrates" with my dearly friends..!!!
with my loved of one, with my best friends..Share lauffter and stories.. uh its gonna be a great moments ever..!!
That's the best present that money cant buy..!

anyway, i got Honda Bicycle CR.. my Ma bought me one.. eheh its been ages am longin' for it..
last nite, i'd try to create piece by piece for the bike.. a bit "hard" cuz i was damn so sleepy. so i let it scattered on the box.

hmm, also i got Garfield stuff too.. and Garfield comic books from my Aunty.
My sister cooked me lasagna and baked spagetty. its so yummie..
err.. i wanna share you something. yesterday i wrote about, secret admire.
he sent me a text sayin'Sayang Lusi, dah bobo ya?! anyway, cuma mo ucapin HAPPY BDAY..bla bla.. "
he sent almost 12am in Sept 19. well seems that he became the 1st one who said Happy Bday to me.. then at 6 o'clock at Sep 19, i called him thru his celly with RHA on the Phone too.. [actually i have a suspect here, that's why i feel a bit restless when am thinkin that it was HIM.. so with all the gut that i have]

i called him.. talked to him .. surprisingly, it's really A MAN.. i heard a voice OF a man, softly and seems that i "begun" recognize his voice. and it wasnt my "suspect", he's the other man.. Gosh..! who the hell is he, ya..?? kaya Bronto..? well, last nite i challanged him to called me back .. :P cuz i really get curious bout this guy.. and he really called me..!! oops..!
when i called him from office [ the one with RHA, red.] his voice sounds like Bronto, mydearly man at Jogja. but when he called me at night, why now, does he sounds like my friend Rio ..?? Man, who is this..?
[eventually before midnite, Rio called me saying Happy bday, and directly i asked him about this one. and frankly, he said and it wasnt him..[ i trust him, indeed.] he was with my friend- his gf]
ok continues, with our conversation last nite. he said that we met last year.. and tau gak.. dia mau nge-gombal..." we met each other last night, in my dream..!!" waaah gubraks..!!
saaaaaaaaaat.. ini orng sapa sih ..?

tpi dia bilang lagi, he gave a gift from me, thru my frend, and i shud take a look at the present that he gave for me. aah gw tnya aja sapa tuh temennya and dimana kantor gw, dia ngelak mulu. pagi tdi dia krm sms lagi, ngingetin buat sholat..!! arg..!! sapa sih ..?
owh well, we'll see laah sapa nih cowo.. hopefully that he's my frend, just jokin around, cuz i really dun like to wastin my times wit strangers..

Ps: to all my bestffriends.. thanks for all yer kindness.. prays..wishes..

PS: special for my dear RAM, waaaaaaah Thanks a lot bro, for the present..i love the anime character..!! Siriu is so damn gorgeous...!!I love You RAM..!!


Hopefully i can be more success, happy, healthy, friendly, wiser, nicer, witty, tough,stronger,more confidence in doin something good, longlive..get married???? hmm.. just be a good, nice, smart, great person in life..!!

I wanna this gadgets..!! Wide Lens, Tripod, Nokia 6131

hmm what else..? travelling around the world, taking pics there.. With my beloved mate..!! hehehehe ;)

My dream..? biggest dream..? working as a journalist, photographer, writer.. build a teen magazine, cuz i like to be the editor in chief.. ^_^..V

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