The HARLEY DAVIDSON - OWNER GROUP Gathering @ CI-landak TOwn Square
- FEB 19-06

Photo Hunt and Competition - HOC and FHM models - sexy dancers
The weather was damned burn Jakarta Down.. anyway The Gathering was great .. i was there with BOYKE and ASRI my Fellow at work.. [ thanks alot Bro and Sis..!! ]
I was having a photo hunt and the results will be judges with the Master of Photography, that i know them very well.
Hmm there are 6 sexy dancers and 18 sexy models from FHM Mag, so it was a great moments to captures beside The Harley itself, right..? eheheh
hey i also captured my fave Bike that was standing beside the Harley davidson..eheheheh and there was 3 of them..!!! watta great chance i Have!!! ahahaha yeah, they are the DUCATI super Bike!!!!!!!!!! Woo - hoo..!!
Man, i wish i have the nerve for ride on it.. ahaha. i really wants to jumped out of it.. and taking pic.. but.. i was afraid, bein yelled out by the owner.. hihihi.. i was met my frend Japar, also there was Lili, Mbah Joel, Chris-this is a new fellow.. also the other member of USF - BI.. " Hi Sirs.. nice meetin u here.. "
Too bad Erna, my mate in Photography didnt came with now. also i didnt meet Valens and Kristupa either.
But after all, the show was great ..!!
Boyke, Asri and I were lauffin that load.. there was a band who performed Rock music and another performed Parody stuff.. they called by the SECOND BORN!!this group was hillarious.. crazy singers doin crazy act .. **ROFL**
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