Distance : 13km ( 3 hrs)
Time : SAT, DEC 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Occasion : MAERSK SEALAND Team Building ( 30 persons)
who's fallen into the river : ME .. ME... ME.. help!!!
uhuhuhu my arms are swollen .. i can not even move my arms .. hwaaaaa... can not sleep that well..
Last Saturday me and my colleagues was went for RAFTING on CITARIK'S river.. West Java..
Meet and gathered at office sharp at 7:30am, and we move on with chatterd bus at 8:00am. Took about 3 hrs there.. ( i was not in good condition, i get cold.. i just feel not well.. after all, last nite i jht came home @ 09:30pm .. sniff.. sniff.. anyway, i am not goin to "waste my times" with staying at home and missed a great times for RAFTING... nooooo !! ehehehhe so, with all power that left, i strengthen my heart that i can do it .. and i can be tough.. ahahhaa .. in the end, with that dizzy - headache .. i try to enjoy the times.. ^_^..)
Frankly, i was patrified cus it was my first time for that one.. hiks.. and I CAN NOT SWIMming!!!
I was with RALDY, DAP, PONKY and IKU, hmm we're a good team, ever.. err.. am not saying that we're A GREAT team, cuz only me and Raldy who was in the 1st debut for this same, so, that's why only ME and Raldy who fallen on the river..cuz it was happen only 10 minutes after that start line.. hahahahha.. wadda team !!
But when i was drowing DAP was lifted me up.. owh DAP thank so fucking much Dear..!!! after 4 Km we have our 1st Check point and having a coconut drink.. in the middle of drizzling.. and I WAS Totally relieve to leave the boat even for 7 min.. ehehhe .. buuut.. after that check point i was ready and know how to control the boat and avoid, waves that can make our boat rolled.. ehehheh .. just move my ass to the middle of the boat .. ahahahhaha and keep my hands on the rope!!!
but I DO ENJOYED.. its was fun.. the view was great.. the weather was cool.. infact it was drizzling.. h.. eventho, i didnt bring along camera but i always stand by if camera's of my friends was ready.. ehehehe ..
after that long journey, we arrive at finish line and took a public busses that rent by the Rafting comnpany that will take us to Pelabuhan Ratu, and it takes about 30 minutes.. i was so damn cold.. huhuhuh..
Get shower in the nearer some kind of governmnt restaurant and motel there.. that provides Shower rooms and pools... POOLS.. boys just have a great times there.. my body was swinging away and throw over on the pool.. huhuhuhu.. i was say that I'm not Swimming... but they "dont " care.. anyway.. after all am good.. ahahhaha
Back home at 11:00 pm .. and i can not sleep!!!
in the next morning - SUNDAY morning, i was like hell.. can noy move my right arm!!! Huhuhuhuh..
-------- FLASH BACK -----------------
when : Nov 27/05
time : 7:00 am - 05:00 pm
Venue: TMII - Little Park of Indonesia..
Dieu I met my folks.. (Mr Gunadi, Arbain, Lily, Mr Anton, Japri, and etc)
I met new friends there.. so great !!! even tho, for this time my pics didnt won in any category but am so happy cuz i can met my friends and making new friends..
here's my pic wit one my folk Damon nice to see you again Dude..

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