Sunday, July 24, 2005

Hit me Babe..!!!

Listen : "Beautiful Soul" by Jesse Mc Cartney

At 5 o'clock in the mornin, Suddenly I Woke up wit hardly open eyes and stiffly body, if i dont have anything to do i would rather stay in bed and take alooong sleep again.. but since I have to go for some photo session in Museum this mornin, i drag my leg to step on ..
Then here we go..arrived at 6.30 the cab's door, and my eyes was looking around to make sure that he was there waitin for me.. yeah, i was make an appointment, wit my ol' friend.. Santo!!!

Santo : " allo ca va bien.."

Me : " hi chere.. je suis pas bien.." Santo : " hey i was patrified when i saw a few of the participants was taking along they're gadgets. ie, tripod and all the stuff.. whoaa.."

Me :" ahh .. dun be worry .. just be cool.. eheheh am not even have a tripod for my camdig.. ehehehe .. anyway i bring along my FM10 now.. "

Santo : " that's cool.. "

again, after we're doin some re-registration (me and him was the last participants.. 99- 100), i was looking around lookin another people that i've known for a year and the last we met was last year.. " where are they..? they must be around here.. they couldnt be absent.." suddenly i see a bunch of folks there.. i cant fool my eyes .. I grabbed, Santo's hand to meet all that folks..

Valens : " Hey.. so long not see ya 'round..?"

Me : " still remember me Valens..? how are you..?"

Valens :" am doin just good.. you?.." =)

Me : " well am here.. "suddenly another folk came forward with a big smile on his face..

Mr Goenardi : " ahh there you are girl.. i was looking at you from distance here, thought that I know you.. eheheh it's really YOU!!!

Me : " eheheh Yea it's certainly ME Sir.. How are ya Sir.."

>> hugging <<>

Me : "Hi Sir.. remember me ? we're taking a nite shoot a year ago in Jakata's Bday, with Pak Goen and the rest.. "

Mr Abain : "ahh yaaaa..."

Mr Goen : " yea Lusi, d'ya get the moment of the firewoks show? all in a good spakles or ... "

Me :" yeah i've got one .. the big one.. but ya know cuz i was run out of the film so.. i missed the last sparkling.. and i saw Pak Arbain's fireworks in the newspaper in the next morning.. it was great Sir.. also yours Pak Goen in FN.. "

then we're having a nice hot photo hunt there.. in Museum's hall and park.. after some Miss Indonesion's finallis -to-be- "distract our consentration.. ya know, participants are mostly men.. so ya know how that could that be when they saw a bunch of sweet sexy looking models.. they just run gettin closer with that ladies..

" mann..they's so damn tall.. yeah they have a white skin with that damn high heel.. Gosh, i have no idea how come those ladies can wore that kind of shoes, if i were they, i should be looking for someone to help me walkin a step a head.. ha!!" =P
I saw a tourist - of course a man- who just staring at the girls without blinkin his eyes.. man, i think he was Amazed.. GOSH!!! i took some an architectures theme .. well wat else i can do in Museum right..? no mountains to climb up no Sea to swim on.. so there's only a buildin.. the old one .. who become a historical place .. a museum.. ! ehehehe.. of course i taking pictures with Santo..and Mr Goenadi as well.. Then its time to back home.. after submit 3 of pictures to be judged.. and tomorrow will be the last show .. we have a talk show about this session.. in TEE BOX.

anyway, i was damn f***in sleepy.. but i was go to Sunda Kelapa Port with Mr Anton and Santo for awhile.. aaannnnd... cuz i dun have a free time again tomorrow so i'd think it's better to develop my films stripe and memory card right away.. the results? hmm .. not bad.there are pics who was taken while am in Jogja 2 weeks ago.. using that lens.. 80-200mm.. hmm.. yeahh.. *shrug* i know i have to go photo hunt that often not like now.. hiks.. hiks..


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